Spontaneous OBE Reveal Gods Spiritual Realm
When all types of OBE are counted, an estimated 10% of people have had an out of body experience at some point in their life. OBEs happen often - Just think...
How many people die around the world in terrifying accidents that jar their senses?
How many heart attacks are there around the world? How many drug overdoses?
How many life saving operations are performed around the world, daily?
How many people with sleeping disorders?
How many people are there like you, silently wondering what happened in their OBE?
How many people do you know have had an OBE, but haven’t mentioned it?
A few possess the ability to successfully challenge others to be the best they can be.
A few have penetrating insights which can reveal the truth.
A few can clearly see the way to achieve victory.
David Ruben is one of those few.
Peter Weissbach
Host of Forbes On Radio
Spiritual Awakening/Dimensional Awareness/Communicate with our Creator/Advanced Intuition/Discover Life's Purpose/
We have all been programmed who to be, and what to believe. Awakening to your full potential, your God given purpose means there will be a “head-on collision” at the intersection of awakened consciousness and external conditioning. Meaningful change is one of humanities greatest challenges... It can happen in many ways under many circumstances. Spiritual change can and does happen on several unique levels including: The Lucid dream, the Near Death Experience, or the Out of Body Experience.
Even as a young child I had powerful intuitions. It was as if I had a “porthole” into reality in the middle of my forehead. I could see into people, and into the world they lived in… and I was aware to the extent that I would not enter the homes of some of my friends sensing there were dark forces at work in those places.
My life changing experience began with an OBE when I was
13 years old. I had a spontaneous Out-of-Body Experience.
Visualize your soul or spirit as a conscious helium filled balloon on a string, tied to you wrist. For 3 entire days, from the moment I awoke this is what I experienced. My consciousness was tethered to my body as I observed myself do all the things I would normally do. I was totally aware of my interactions with others, my voice and speech, even watching myself as I slept.
After the second day I began to wonder how long the experience would last. Then on the third day, I went to sleep and the next morning I woke up and realized that my consciousness had returned to my body. These experiences “force free” us to realize a new potential!
I embraced this essential truth: We are not our body. The essence of what we are is not material. So, I came back into my body with a deep understanding that it has taken decades to fully comprehend… that each person must embrace their unique responsibility for control over the choices we either consciously or unconsciously make. This is why you have to eventually come to understand that we are not our body, but our body does truly reflect what we think and believe.
My advice to those seeking higher states is to begin with my meditation technique "Campfire for the Mind" Free to listen below.
Acquire the purest intent for conscious awakening and your journey will be fruitful. But, never try and use any paranormal experience for personal gain, for power or control over anyone but yourself. Reality is the atomic energy of enlightenment. As such, it is volatile and must be related to with extreme sincerity and humility… those who wish to toy with reality for any dark reason are bound to detonate an internal unclear meltdown.
ABOVE: How out-of-body experiences could transform yourself and society
If we had an out-of-body experience (OBE) what would it bring to our lives? Motivated by her own personal experiences and her research of thousands of individuals who had similar phenomena, Nanci Trivellato, MSc in psychology and consciousness researcher, discusses the possible positive effects of OBEs for personal development and its ripples for society.
Nanci Trivellato, MSc in psychology, is an author, lecturer,and personal development coach who dedicates her career to consciousness research. Nanci is also a charter member of the International Academy of Consciousness and the Institute of Applied Consciousness Technologies
What dreams are trying to tell us depends upon our willingness to be shown something we might be avoiding or cannot see or understand. These two callers have severe issues that need to be resolved. Listen and learn...