John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believers raised from the dead by God strengthened the faith of others. Who can deny the Lord?
Ian McCormack - Former Atheist - Dead on Morgue Slab - Goes to Hell, then to Heaven and Back! Ian's true story has been made into a move titled "The Perfect Wave."
In 2008, Dr. Eben Alexander III, a neurosurgeon, was attacked by a deadly form of meningitis. His story is detailed in the book “Proof of Heaven,”
For God So Loved The World. . .
Near Death Experience 7+7 Best Edited Journeys to Heaven (English Subtitles) There is Life After Death!
Tamara Laroux Shot Herself, & Went to Hell, Then to Heaven and BACK!! God RESCUED HER from hell and took her to heaven for a glimpse of it, before returning her spirit to her body!
8 million Americans have had Near Death Experience
Heaven: A marvelous place filled with joy and happiness, with no tears and pain. There are constructions built with gold and all jewelries. The vision is more vivid and there are many more colors than earth. The scenery is extremely beautiful, with pastures decorated with diamonds, golden paths, glittering waterfalls and glamorous plants and trees. Countless flowers are blooming while millions of butterflies are flying by. Heaven is also a place of Eternity that has no concept of time. And the most important of all is the existence of complete LOVE, JOY and PEACE come from the Almighty GOD.
According to a recent Gallop Poll, 8 MILLION Americans, nearly 600 people every day, claimed to have Near Death Experience. In USA and Europe, 25 hospitals have already joined together to work on the research of Near Death Experience. In this program, we've collected 14 famous NDE interviews and some visions testimonies around the world which include : #New York Times No.1 Best Selling Books like "Heaven is for real" - Colton Burpo; "90 Minutes In Heaven" - Don Piper and "Proof of Heaven"- Eben Alexander.
Don Piper described Heaven as a place that he never wants to leave. In Heaven, he met his grandpa and schoolmates who died. Countless songs are heard but no chaos is made. After Don passed through 12 pearl gates, he walked onto a golden road where he met Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul. And he participated in the feast of the Lamb (Jesus)...
Colton Burpo was taken to Heaven by angels and the first person he saw was JESUS. In Heaven, he met his unborn sister who died during his mother's pregnancy, and his grandpa's father whom he had never met on earth. A little girl, Akiane Kramarik, had visions of Jesus since she was 4. She miraculously drew the images of Jesus at the age of 8 and 9. Akiane finished over 600 paintings which portrayed the beauty of Heaven in different ways.
Ian McCormack was killed by 5 poisonous jellyfishes while diving. As an atheist, he went to Hell immediately when he died. Fortunately, his mother's prayer was answered by the Lord. Ian was then taken to the gate of Heaven and having a face-to-face encounter with God! Last but not least, the interview of Nick Vujicic who eagerly shares his wonderful Life Without Limbs story with the whole world.
Betty Eadie's encounter with Jesus:
"I saw a pinpoint of light in the distance. As I approached it, I noticed the figure of a man standing in it, with the light radiating all around him. As I got closer the light became brilliant - brilliant beyond any description, far more brilliant than the sun. I saw that the light immediately around him was golden, as if his whole body had a golden halo around it, and I could see that the golden halo burst out from around him and spread into a brilliant, magnificent whiteness that extended out for some distance. I felt his light blending into mine. And as our lights merged, I felt as if I had stepped into his countenance, and I felt an utter explosion of love. It was the most unconditional love I have ever felt, and as I saw his arms open to receive me I went to him and received his complete embrace. I felt his enormous spirit and knew that I had always been a part of him, that in reality I had never been away from him. I knew that he was aware of all my sins and faults, but that they didn't matter right now. He just wanted to hold me and share his love with me, and I wanted to share mine with him. There was no questioning who he was. I knew that he was my Savior, and friend, and God. He was Jesus Christ, who had always loved me, even when I thought he hated me. He was life itself, love itself, and his love gave me a fullness of joy, even to overflowing. I knew that I had known him from the beginning, from long before my earth life, because my spirit remembered him. His light now began to fill my mind, and my questions were answered even before I fully asked them. His light was knowledge. It had power to fill me with all truth. As I gained confidence and let the light flow into me, my questions came faster than I thought possible, and they were just as quickly answered. I understood that he was the Son of God, though he himself was also a God, and that he had chosen from before the creation of the world to be our Savior. I understood, or rather, I remembered, his role as creator of the earth. His mission was to come into the world to teach love. This knowledge was more like remembering." (Betty Eadie)
Published August 23, 2023
Guenter Wagner's encounter with Jesus: Jesus then poured pure love within him and his whole soul was immersed in love. Jesus told Guenter that he needed to be cleansed. Jesus lifts him up and places him into a red light. Afterward, Jesus took him to the top of a mountain to converse. Jesus told him that there were very powerful and cunning beings who were his enemies with whom he had been constantly fighting. He told Guenter to warn the world against them. Then Jesus told him to turn around. When he did he heard people screaming and saw fire and smoke that gradually took on the shape of a mushroom. Jesus told Guenter that he will do everything in his power to prevent this from happening. Jesus told him that this war has been going on for a very long time and the evil beings had become more and more powerful. Jesus said that if this continued he would not see any means of preventing them from taking over everything. He said that if the enemy had really succeeded in coming into his world, the war would have been lost. He would have been powerful enough, no doubt, to fight them off, but the war would have been lost in the long run. Jesus was afraid of loosing this war. Then it was intimated to Guenter that Jesus needed help. Jesus told him that the only way he could help him was by going back and telling the world about his experience. Jesus told Guenter that he would become a new type of teacher. He said that he was going to teach while being in a sort of sleep. While asleep, Guenter would be able to hear and talk. Jesus said that people will come to him and ask him questions. What he will say while asleep will be of much importance.
Do you have a story to share?
When I saw Him...
No way in which to describe it...
Margaret Tweddell's description of Jesus: "When I first saw him, the light and the glory and the surging of power was so tremendous. It was like an avalanche of feeling over me. At the present time I just don't feel that I have found a way in which to describe what it was like - an indescribable contentment and uplifting, a tremendous ecstasy of feeling on all realms, being completely out of yourself, an unusually vivid knowledge of the intense, sympathetic love around you - the warmth of it, the light of it -something that is not external but is part of you. It is like a sunrise on a mountain that is covered with snow, when the colors come down and reflect on you- a dazzling brilliance that would make you close your eyes and yet feel it in every pore of your body. This is the feeling that you have as you come toward the LIGHT.
HEALING Through Jesus' eyes
"Ralph Duncan was dying of leukemia and he had an NDE during which he encountered Jesus who appeared as an luminous being and did not look anything like the traditional images of him. Jesus' eyes were 'shooting fire' and he communicated a telepathic message: 'That's enough, it's dead, it's gone.' Ralph understood this to mean that he no longer have leukemia. Through Jesus' eyes 'shooting fire' and saying 'That's enough,' it was understood to mean, in effect, 'I've zapped you with enough voltage for this to cure you.' Ralph later recovered from his leukemia." (Dr. Kenneth Ring)
"During Dr. Richard Eby's NDE, Jesus commanded to tell people that: "These are the last days before I return for my body of believers. I am coming for them soon!" Jesus explained that he would be giving some of his children many documenting evidences to validate his prophecies. Jesus told Eby that: "I need eyewitnesses of my glory and truth now. You are but one. Go, tell them. There is but little while until I come for my body of believers."
Jesus lifted Linda Stewart from the void and into the light filling her with ecstasy and love. She realized that the only reality is God and that there is no other. And God is love. She turned to Jesus and said, "This is beautiful. I am home. This is where I want to be. I want to stay." And Christ answered: "You can stay for a little while and then you must return." (Linda Stewart)
Jesus told a man that his "second coming" will occur before the man dies. However, the man died in December, 2002 and it is apparent the second coming of Christ hasn't happened. However, if Christ's second coming will be like his first coming, then a case can be made that perhaps Christ has indeed already returned. He was born into this world by a woman in his first coming; Christ may return in the same manner. (Dr. Richard Eby)