David discusses the book with Wayne Allen Root on his radio show
David discusses the book with John B Wells on his radio show Caravan to Midnight
David discusses the book with long time friend Sean Hannity on his radio show
Through the use of hypnotic emotional change techniques, American society has been systematically steered unconsciously into acceptance of varying degrees of insanity... creating a "prison for your mind." Then they come for you with a mental, spiritual, chemical, or physical straightjacket...
David discusses the book on the radio show Into The ParaBnormal
You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad...
Morpheus - The Matrix
The most despicable, oft-repeated lie about hypnosis is that one cannot be hypnotized to think what is untrue or to act against one’s own free will. That is flatly untrue. Skilled manipulators have known it forever. These manipulators have guarded this secret carefully, partly by repeating the lie that such influence is impossible. It is not safe to regard hypnosis as a harmless parlor game or to remain oblivious to how it works. Without awareness of how hypnotic influence works and of how to counter and reduce its influence on oneself and others, even people living in supposedly free societies will become increasingly enslaved to subtle and overt influences largely invisible to them—while simultaneously being hypnotized to regard themselves as free and in charge of their own lives.
The Hegelian dialectic, usually presented in a threefold manner, was stated by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus as comprising three dialectical stages of development: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction; an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis; and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a compromise. His goal was to reduce reality to a more synthetic unity within the system of absolute idealism. Note the use of the word synthetic. Something made of artificial material, not natural... The adjective synthetic is sometimes describes an emotion that is feigned or not genuine.
The 3 basic laws of dialectics
Engels discusses three principal law of dialectics: the law of the transformation of quantity into quality, and vice versa; the law of the interpenetration of opposites; and the law of the negation of the negation.
1- Thesis refers to an idea, usually an intellectual proposition.
2- Antithesis refers to the refutation of the idea.
3-Synthesis is the moulding of the idea and its refutations into a new idea.
The German term that is translated as “opposite” in Hegel’s description of the moments of dialectics (EL §§81, 82)—entgegen setzen—has three root words: setzen (“to posit or set”), gegen, (“against”), and the prefix ent-, which indicates that something has entered into a new state. The verb entgegenstehen can therefore literally be translated as “to set over against”. Marx, like Hegel, conceived of the movement of modern society as a dialectical process, but his totality was the mode of production rather than the “Idea.”
FROM THE BOOK: Lavrenti Beria was a Soviet politician who served as the chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus (NKVD) under Joseph Stalin. He outlined a strategy of using psychopolitics as a means to advance communist goals by creating chaos in the enemy's culture. Psychopolitics, as described here, is portrayed as a less known division of geopolitics that focuses on manipulating mental health and psychological well-being. The primary objective of psychopolitics is to generate chaos, distrust, economic depression, and scientific turmoil within the target culture. The idea is that in the midst of such chaos, the population would be more inclined to seek solace in a Communist state, ultimately leading to the resolution of societal problems through communism.
In recent years, the concept of mass formation, or collective hypnosis, has gained renewed attention as societies grapple with increasing polarization and the rise of authoritarian tendencies across the globe. Two new books, Mass Formation Politics: Pavlovian Conditioning and the Formation of Identity by clinical psychologist Matias Desmet, and Outside In: The Psychopolitics of Manipulation and Control by political theorist David Masters, seek to expose the psychological and political forces behind this phenomenon.
Both authors explore how mass formation leads to totalitarianism, but each offers a unique perspective on the mechanisms and outcomes of this collective conditioning. Desmet focuses on the psychological triggers that create mass formation, while Masters takes a political angle, analyzing the societal conditions that make this collective surrender of freedoms not only possible but likely.
The Power of Collective Hypnosis
Desmet’s Mass Formation Politics explains how certain psychological conditions—rising anxiety, social isolation, and a lack of meaning—create fertile ground for mass formation. As these anxieties grow within society, individuals lose their sense of self and latch onto collective identities, often at the expense of personal freedoms. In what Masters calls a “Borg-like” fashion, referencing the hive-minded villains from Star Trek, individual thoughts and beliefs are subsumed by the group’s ideology. One person’s view becomes everyone’s view, as the collective consciousness consolidates power.
David Masters takes this idea further in Outside In, analyzing how mass formation is often manipulated by those in power to maintain control. Masters sees the media, particularly left-leaning outlets, as prime examples of this manipulation, using psychological tactics to create conformity and suppress dissent. The groupthink he describes operates much like Pavlovian conditioning: repeated exposure to a specific narrative creates automatic, uncritical acceptance of that narrative.
Assimilation or Annihilation: The Tipping Point
Both authors raise a chilling question: What happens when mass formation reaches the tipping point of 51%? According to Desmet and Masters, when over half the population falls into collective hypnosis, society faces two possible outcomes: assimilation or annihilation. Either dissenting individuals are assimilated into the dominant ideology, or they are systematically marginalized and eliminated—socially, politically, or even physically.
Masters likens this process to the natural evolution of democracy, where a majority rule often turns into a tyranny of the majority. When mass formation reaches this critical mass, the dominant group will tolerate no opposition, and alternative viewpoints will be crushed. The result is the erosion of democracy, as totalitarianism becomes the inevitable outcome. The tension between individual freedoms and collective control becomes unsustainable, leading to societal conflict or the complete suppression of independent thought.
How Close is America to the Tipping Point?
Both books raise urgent questions about the state of modern America. Desmet and Masters argue that the country may be dangerously close to this tipping point of mass formation. The cultural conditions that foster groupthink—widespread anxiety, disillusionment with traditional institutions, and a media environment that reinforces ideological echo chambers—are all present. For Desmet, the danger is psychological: Americans are increasingly disconnected from meaningful social bonds and are more likely to seek refuge in collective identities. For Masters, the danger is political: a powerful media, particularly on the left, is creating a cultural consensus that stifles opposition and encourages conformity.
As mass formation nears this critical threshold, both authors argue that America is facing a final chance to avoid the descent into totalitarianism. Masters, in particular, points to the importance of the upcoming elections as a potential turning point. For him, the act of voting is one of the few remaining tools left to resist mass formation, by supporting candidates and movements that prioritize individual rights over collective control. But time, he warns, is running out.
Can Individualists Survive?
The fate of individualists—those who resist the collective mindset—remains uncertain. Historically, as both authors point out, mass formation has often resulted in the suppression or elimination of those who refuse to conform. Examples from Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Maoist China demonstrate the brutal consequences when a society succumbs to mass formation. Independent thinkers and dissidents are often persecuted or silenced.
Yet, there is still hope, according to Desmet and Masters. Both authors emphasize the need for resilience and intellectual courage in resisting mass formation. Masters, in particular, urges individualists to break free from the cycle of Pavlovian conditioning by seeking out alternative narratives, fostering independent thought, and building strong communities that value personal freedom. Desmet offers a more psychological approach, encouraging individuals to cultivate meaning in their lives beyond the group, thus inoculating themselves against the allure of collective thinking.
Al Paulson Review:
The best recommendation I can give for David Master’s book “How to Escape the Prison For Your Mind” is a personal insight which maybe relatable to you. The first time I picked up the Bible, earnestly seeking to unwind all the confusion, false beliefs and thoughts that made a home in my mind, something told me “put it down”. The thought continued “you don’t need this, it’s confusing and too long to read, you can figure this out for yourself”. Those same thoughts bombarded my head when I began to read “How to Escape the Prison For Your Mind”. I am not saying his book is the Bible. I am saying his book is packed with Truth, like the Bible and from the Bible. I am also saying there is something operating in and around all of us that doesn’t want us to seek Truth. If you sense there is a spiritual battle being fought in this world and it’s being fought for you, read this book. If you want peace of mind, read David’s book. If you are just curious about mind control and it’s history, read this book. It is packed with Truth, content and examples. If you read it with an open mind it will change how you look at thoughts you think are yours.
Frank From San Diego
David's New Book: "How To Escape The Prison For Your Mind" Brings 21st Century language and examples of how not only to survive but to win every conflict in the battlefront of your mind. As a combat veteran, who questions everything it is clear that PTSD is not just a problem for soldiers... Rage and addiction began for me in early childhood, and the trauma of war added to it. Parental lies, lack of love, large and small injustices, are how the "sins of the father (and mother) are transposed onto the children". After reading the book I more deeply understand and recognize how to avoid repeating the mistake of giving my mind to the enemy because I now see how you take on the spirit behind those you resent. The "exercise" referred to in this book, helps to reverse that programming.
David discusses the simple way to understand how hypnosis works
David discuses Sirhan Sirhan and explains in 6 minutes the power of mass hypnosis
David discusses how psyops have changed America into a Psyc Matrix

Baron & David: The Power of MEDITATION. Living in Congruence with Your Conscience.
David and Mike #5 Are Your Thoughts Your Own or the Result of Mind Control?
Perilous World Radio 12/15/22 On Pins & Needles David Masters on Perilous World Radio show. War, conspiracy, and mortality are but a few of today’s “hot topics”.
​"The Most Potent Weapon in the Hands of the Oppressor is the Mind of the Oppressed"
- Steve Biko
Hypnosis in the Bible
Romans 7:15 For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.
Romans 7:22-24 For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?
Until you realize NOT ALL THOUGHTS are yours, you’ll never be free!
In the 1st and 2nd world wars, PTSD was known as shell shock... There is no difference between shell shock and culture shock
Systematic worry about economic collapse.- crime and corruption. - sexualizing children - social violence, national security, and territorial integrity. - unemployment - health, education, and housing. and food security. have been weaponized.
Communism and now the democrat party is an organized system for implementing evil and turning civil society into a Hellish nightmare
Mental illness, drug addiction, and suicide are the desired result of weaponized stress. Stress and hypnosis are synonymous resulting in reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestions... In essence, creating a "prison for your mind."
As you become aware that you are reacting to all forms of stress it loses its grip - you are able to see life clearly and consciously choose how to respond to each situation.
Twenty years as Senior Executive Producer/Vice President TRN Entertainment - David developed six of the world’s most successful syndicated radio programs and has studied mind control for 40 years.
The complete Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics is contained with notes and examples in the book
AN EXPOSE of mind control that Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin would assassinate the author for writing.
Understand the steps to break the endless loop of thought imposed by decades of mind control.
Awaken before you self-destruct. Discover the communist roadmap step by step and the exit for you and your family.
Free yourself from the mind-control techniques used every day with a simple concentration exercise available below. A simple breakout of how to identify and stop people who try to control you. The exercise is provided by Patriot Outreach.org which provided over 650,000 free copies to Patriots and health professionals.