For thousands of years human beauty both male and female has been prized above all other attributes to the extent that the famed Trojan war that lasted ten years from 1194 to 1184 BC was fought over Helen, the daughter of Zeus in Greek mythology who was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the known world.

During the past century science replaced myth yielding the biological secrets of attaining superhuman strength and has yielded muscles like no other sport, giving birth to Professional bodybuilding. Many believe the sport reached its peak in the 1980’s as famed bodybuilders such as ARNOLD SCHWARZENGGER, LOU FERRIGNO and other hyper-driven men modeled the image of the perfect physique.
“ Launching the concept of Future Reality TV, we will transform the sport of body building to the next level of entertainment... We will delve into the dazzling and unpredictably strange new world of “LIFT.”
Superstars were born and the fitness phenomena exploded with a bang! Mr. Olympia, the title awarded to the winner of the professional men's bodybuilding contest at Joe Weider's Olympia Fitness & Performance Weekend has captivated audiences across the world for decades as pro body builders flexed and glistened in the spotlight... and into the record books.
But this elusive fame was also met with shocking downfalls as the sport was marred with the heavy use of steroids, drug abuse, crime and intrigue. Titles were stripped and names were erased leaving a permanent scar on the reputations of many bodybuilding elites.
Recently, there have been high points with the development of new performance enhancing supplements and the inclusion of dazzling female body builders gracing the stage. But nothing has matched the breathtaking demigods of the 80’s until now...
2Davids Productions presents a fresh take on bodybuilding unlike anything ever imagined, a new approach to Reality TV, we call it “Future Reality!”
Launching the concept of Future Reality TV, we will transform the sport of body building to the next level of entertainment... We will delve into the dazzling and unpredictably strange new world of “LIFT.”
In LIFT, the competitors will reach for unprecedented heights as new categories of contestants step on stage... but this time, alongside them will be “special” people that have held lifelong dreams of body building but were excluded due to their circumstances.
From the single father of triplets, a woman 45 years old working at a coffee shop, a teen with down’s syndrome and a PTSD soldier trying to beat his demons as a bodybuilder, LIFT, will offer them the experience of a lifetime.
Supported by top workout facilities such as POWER HOUSE GYM and nutrition companies such as METREX, all of these selected individuals will also be trained by the best of the best, winning 12 top 5 finishes at Mr. Olympia Shawn Ray and Mr. USA Overall Winner Dennis Newman and other top level trainers!
The LIFT format will consist of detailed data collection of the contestants as they begin their routine, and continue all the way into the Pro body building/fitness world appearances.
With graphic in-depth scientific analysis of their transformation from start to finish, we will watch and learn what it takes to be a superstar body builder with each contestant culminating at the end of season 1 on the grandest stage of all, the “LIFT World Evolution Contest.”
With computer analysis, the perfect model of the human figure both male and female will be constructed with new technological advancements and ever possible muscle formations as comparisons and CGI that tracks and displays the effectiveness of their workouts and the muscles that are being targeted.
The charted data of weight, calories, heart, fluids and BMI monitoring is the diagnostic tool for final qualification. Next comes a professional team of artists and our contestants will go through make up, competition tanning and instruction on the perfect pose to wow the judges.
But the LIFT muscle building competition is only the start of our story.
This is where “Future Reality” comes in. Top leading nutrition companies will be testing out their newest “unapproved” supplements and performance enhancing products. The computer body scans comparing the before and after of each contestant and scoring contestants on individual gains and accomplishments are seeking the perfect “specimen.”
Specimen? Yes, but for WHAT? Lift contestants are undergoing an undisclosed experiment. For our Future Reality show, this is about unpredictable twists and turns for future LIFT body builders.
For LIFT competitors the stakes are driven higher as mega-companies compete for the most extreme winner-take-all, much like sponsors of a NASCAR race! Billion dollar companies are behind the new names in bodybuilding each racing to produce the international “face” of the sport.